Marta Pavelka

Marta is a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at the Carnegie Mellon University, working with Florian Frick as her mentor. She recently obtained her Ph.D. at the University of Miami, having worked with Bruno Benedetti. Her research is focused on the interaction of Combinatorics with Geometry; especially triangulations of manifolds and, more generally, simplicial complexes. This year, Marta is co-organizing the Algorithms, Combinatorics, and Optimization (ACO) Seminar, hosted by CMU.

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Marta Pavelka


  1. B. Benedetti and M. Pavelka, “Five non-Hamiltonian simplicial complexes”, submitted.
  2. B. Benedetti and M. Pavelka, “2-LC triangulated manifolds are exponentially many”, Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincare D, in press.
  3. C. Frougny, M. Pavelka, E. Pelantová, and M. Svobodová, “On-line algorithms for multiplication and division in real and complex numeration systems”, Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 21 no. 3, 2019.


Try a software by Marta Pavelka that detects simplicial complex closure properties!

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Teaching Activities

Marta received a Teaching Excellence Award from the University of Miami Department of Mathematics in May 2022. She teaches math the way she teaches yoga – leading her students to overcome challenges by developing a consistent practice.

  • Courses taught at the Carnegie Mellon University
  • Integration and Approximation, 21122 (class of 75 students) Fall 2023
  • Courses taught at the University of Miami
  • Precalculus II, MTH 108 (classes of about 40 students) Fall 2022, Spring 2022, Fall 2021, Spring 2021
  • Calculus II, MTH 162 (class of 14 students) Spring 2020
  • Calculus I, MTH 161 (class of 36 students) Fall 2019
  • Recitations led at the University of Miami
  • Calculus II, MTH 162 (classes of about 40 students) Spring 2020, Spring 2019, Spring 2018
  • Calculus I, MTH 161 (classes of about 40 students) Fall 2019, Fall 2018, Fall 2017
  • Precalculus Mathematics II, MTH 108 (two classes of about 40 students) Fall 2020

Contact Information

Marta's CV (PDF)

i Research Area
Geometric Combinatorics
i Email
martap at andrew dot cmu dot edu
i LinkedIn
i Office
University of Miami, Department of Mathematics, Ungar 429
i Meetup
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